There are 3 videos, placed in 3 separate div's. There also are 3 separate div's, but in other position of a page (lets say contA and contB and contC). I want that if I click on the video1, then video2 and video3 goes to contA and contB, and video1 goes to contC. If I click video1 again, all videos go back to their original position. If I click on video2 (while its in contA), then video1 goes to contA, video3 goes to contB, video2 goes to contC.
I have prepared a jsbin demo: Jsbin DEMO
Anyone could help? Appreciated!
EDIT: (Added a code as requested)
<div id="vid1">
<video id="Video1" class="videos">
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
HTML5 Video is required for this example.
<div id="vid2">
<video id="Video2" class="videos">
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
HTML5 Video is required for this example.
<div id="vid3">
<video id="Video3" class="videos">
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
HTML5 Video is required for this example.
<div id="contA"><br>first container<br></div>
<div id="contB"><br>second container<br></div>
<div id="contC"><br>third container<br></div>
//add event for all videos
function videoClicked(e)
//get a referance to the video clicked
var sender =;
//get all the videos
var $videos = $('.videos');
$videos.appendTo('#contB'); //but I need each video to be put to different div: #contA, #contB...
$videos.not(sender).appendTo('#contC'); //if I put the clicked video into this container, it does not go back to original one.
Think this is what you're looking for, but it's based on the naming convention used in the example. I also took the liberty of renaming contA/contB and contC to cont1, cont2 and cont3, because it's easier to manipulate.
//remember last video clicked (you could check last container instead)
var lastclicked;
function videoClicked(e)
//get a reference to the video clicked
var sender =;
//get all the videos
var $videos = $('.videos');
//reset to original positions
var ind =; //based on the video + number naming convention
$(this).appendTo('#vid' + ind);
lastclicked = null;
lastclicked= sender;
var i = 1;
//place all non clicked videos in cont1/cont2/etc
$(this).appendTo('#cont' + i++ );
//place the clicked video in the last container
$(sender).appendTo('#cont' + i ); //always cont3 with fixed divs, but this is dynamic in case you add more