As I'm working through an SL3/SL4 application, and starting to work with fonts, I'm finding a lack of documentation and best practices on font strategies. For example:
- Are there common fallback fonts for
the supported font set (Arial, Comic
Sans MS, etc.)? Is there a set of recommendations on fallback fonts between Windows and Macintosh systems?
- Are there Silverlight-supported
fonts that will (almost always) be
on an end-user system, or like 99.5%
of the time, like "Times New Roman"
or "Verdana", including Macintosh?
Are there any sites that list this
kind of information?
- Are there recommendations for
accounting for Moonlight (Linux)
views of SL apps and the fonts that
are/aren't deployed with Linux
- Is there a way to determine, in XAML
or code-behind, if an end-user has a
supported font on their system? I'd
like this to run upon entry and then
change the XAML as a result of
findings to support the right font
or allow an embedded one to load.
- In the documentation for supported
fonts, it lists a bunch of fonts
that "Silverlight text elements can
use the following Latin fonts if
available on the local computer.".
Does this mean that if I use a font
that is not in this list, such as
"Cooper Black", and an end-user
does have this font on their system, they will still need to
download the font as embedded in my
Any links or pointers that can lead to at least some of the questions above answered would be very appreciated.