I am new to Jasmine2 JS framework. I am using Jasmine.js framework to create test suites for my application developed in Backbone.js framework.
When I am creating test cases for Backbone.js -> views home.js file, one of my home.js views function has
and another function has
If my Backbone.js -> views function has event.stopPropagation(); and event.preventDefault();, my test suites throws error as below:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'stopPropagation' of undefined
How to write a test cases for my views function which has event.stopPropagation(); and event.preventDefault();
how to skip these has event.stopPropagation(); and event.preventDefault(); when I am calling function from Jasmine.js framework?
You can try this code, I hope this works for you to test events:
var event = {
type: 'click',
stopPropagation: function () {},
preventDefault: function () {}
var stopPropagationSpy = spyOn(event, 'stopPropagation');
var preventDefaultSpy = spyOn(event, 'preventDefault');