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How to make jQuery hover and mouseout work on div with child elements

We are using this to animate our #footer:

        if(!$(this).is(".open")) {
        $(this).animate({bottom: -25}, 500).addClass('open');
        if($(this).is(".open")) {
        $(this).stop().animate({bottom: -57}, 500).removeClass('open');

However, #footer contains some child elements which stop the animation from working:

<div id="footer">
        <li><a href="#"><img src="abc" /></a><a href="#">ABC</a></li>
    <div id="kontaktdaten">

How do we make hover/mouseout work on the whole of #footer, no matter what it contains?

Many thanks in advance for any help!


  • You need to use mouseleave event instead of mouseout, the hover() method allows you to register both those handlers as given below

    $('#footer').hover(function () {
            bottom: -25
        }, 500).addClass('open');
    }, function () {
            bottom: -57
        }, 500).removeClass('open');