In Java, we know if we want to compare two reference objects, we usually need to use equals
, but here I am so confused about the output of the following:
System.out.println(new BigInteger("0") == BigInteger.ZERO); // false
System.out.println(new BigInteger("0").mod(BigInteger.ONE) == BigInteger.ZERO); // true
Why is the second statement true?
Took a while, but following the logical paths of the execution takes us to:
MutableBigInteger#toBigInteger(int sign)
Which has the following statement:
BigInteger toBigInteger(int sign) {
if (intLen == 0 || sign == 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO;
return new BigInteger(getMagnitudeArray(), sign);
So in this case, the constant BigInteger.ZERO
is returned, so the statement is true.
Stack trace: