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Ace Editor addMarker throwing erro

So I have literally copied the "get started" code from ACE and then tried to add a marker. I copied the syntax from ACE's website which is the same as recommended here: How can I highlight multiple lines with Ace?

All I get is an error in the console saying Undefined is not a function.

My goal is to add a marker so I can highlight a line of text. Any ideas why this is not working?

var editor = ace.edit("editor");
editor.getSession().addMarker(new Range(1,0,1,200),"ace_active_line","background");


  • Looks like you forgot to import Range

    var Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range
    var editor = ace.edit("editor");
    editor.session.addMarker(new Range(1,0,1,200),"ace_active-line","fullLine");

    also class name for active line marker have changed.

    Generally when asking questions like this it is a good idea to create a jsbin like, since it helps answering a lot