As part of my studies i'm modifying some parts in an open-sourced "Pong" game I found online (created by Kushagra Agarwal).
I'm trying to set a nice background image to the game,
that will not disturb the gameplay experience.
I've tried many ways but so far Iv'e only managed to change the background color into a different color, but not to an actual image :
// Function to paint canvas
function paintCanvas() {
ctx.fillStyle = "blue/black/whatever";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);
Trying to work out ctx.fillStyle
to display an image didn't went well since paintCanvas()
is constantly looping, and if gets other value then a "color" string (for example a background image that weighs 500kb) it will create huge delays in the game.
Anyone has an idea?
Thank's, Roy
I think it looks nice if your just put a background image on the body tag!
<body background="someImage">
I commented out your paintCanvas(), inserted a clear, and inserted a body tag!
// Function to paint canvas
function paintCanvas() {
canvas.width = canvas.width; // Will clear the canvas
//ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
//ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);