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Chrome Extension: yql API ERROR: Content Security

I am trying to make a call to yql api. But get an error: I have the following

"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'", 

Refused to load the script '*%20from%20html%20where…withkeys&callback=jQuery20208888747137971222_1400373036635&_=1400373036638' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".'

I tried doing it w/o having the "content_security_policy" But I would still get an error.

The code to do the call:

yqlAPI = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + ' &format=json&';

$.getJSON(yqlAPI, function(r){
$.each(, function(){ 
  if(typeof this.font !== 'undefined')


I have been looking in the CSP ( But I don't understand what I have to add to my manifest.json. To make it work all help would be appreciated!


  • I wonder if that's because of requesting an external object.

    Content Security Policy (CSP) - Google Chrome

    If you have a need for some external JavaScript or object resources, you can relax the policy to a limited extent by whitelisting secure origins from which scripts should be accepted.

    so adjust it accordingly, manfiest.json:

           "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'"

    And you'll need to use HTTPS origin:

    As man-in-the-middle attacks are both trivial and undetectable over HTTP, those origins will not be accepted. Currently, we allow whitelisting origins with the following schemes: HTTPS, chrome-extension, and chrome-extension-resource.