I am using Ruby on Rails 4 and I would like to handle JavaScript events the Rails way. That is, for example, given I have the following
link_to('destroy', article_path(@article), :method => :delete, :remote => true)
when I click on the above generated link then I would like the success
JS event to update the page content by removing the deleted article DOM element. The AJAX response, whatever it is, should be ignored.
I am aware of the existence of the rails.js file but I don't how to use it in order to accomplish what I am looking for.
There is a wiki page https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs/wiki/ajax with explanation of ujs custom events. Here is a little example in your case:
$('a').on 'ajax:success', -> alert 1
UPD If you want to prevent XHR response being evaluated, add data-type=text
attribute to your remote link:
link_to('destroy', article_path(@article), :method => :delete, :remote => true, 'data-type' => 'text')