I have a jsp file with html content, and a script inside and I am also using dhtmlx. The other parts of my Web Application are working, so with this, I want only to focus on this problem because the environment works well. In one point of the file I have got:
numTabs = getNumTabs();
for (var i=0; i<numTabs;i++) {
var mytab = "tab_"+i;
tabbar.addTab(mytab,'Tab Numer: ' + i,'');
//alert("for " + i); PLACE 1
function initTabContent(tabID){
//alert("initTabContent " + i); PLACE 2
tab = tabbar.cells(tabID);
toolbar = tab.attachToolbar();
//alert(i); PLACE 3
toolbar.setItemText('botton1', 'Botton 1');
grid = tab.attachGrid();
//more stuff
The point is:
If I uncomment the alert in PLACE 1, everything goes pretty well, it loads the XML and everything is working but if I comment the alert it doesn't go well.
If I uncomment alert 1 and alert 2, I will see in the web page:
So, I understand that despite of myfunction the loop goes on and doesn't wait the complete termination of that function. The funny part is that if I comment alert 1 and 2, and uncomment alert 3, the first thing I see on the web page is 4, then 3, 2, 1, 0...
And if I leave again, only alert 1 uncommented, everything goes ok. The reason about that I suppose is that the alert makes the system wait to the user and therefore the XML is well loaded.
My questions: First: Why the loop is not waiting for the function to finish? It should be sequential right? Second: How can I solve it without the alert? I also tried to put an empty for loop inside to make time but it didn't work out...(and that is not a good way to do it)
Thank you very much, Alex.
Thanks to @KevinB I realized that indeed the toolbar
declaration was missing in the whole jsp file.
The toolbar = tab.attachToolbar();
is overriden before the loading of the XML.
Now with **var** toolbar = tab.attachToolbar();
the problem is solved.
To see the reason that the loop doesn't behave properly, you can read the comments under the question.