I have set up a window to spread across 2 monitors horizontally. I have 2 viewports. The first is a standard Camera. I have set this to half the width of the window so that it is 1920x1080 (filling the first monitor). The problem I have is that I want to Oculus viewport to take up the 2nd monitor ). However, I cannot find the setting to stop the oculus viewport from taking up the full window.
Can anybody help?
I am guessing it is somewhere in the script, but I cannot see where the viewports are drawn.
Any help would be appreciated.
In typical form, I have found the answer after a few minutes of posting this.
for anybody who needs this in future, open OVRDistortionCamera.cs and find the lines
float halfWidth = 0.5f * Screen.width;
GL.Viewport(new Rect(rightEye ? halfWidth : 0f, 0f, halfWidth, Screen.height));
Change them to
float halfWidth = 0.5f * Screen.width/2;
GL.Viewport(new Rect(rightEye ? halfWidth : 0f, 0f, halfWidth, Screen.height));