I have two circles. one is with 150 radius and other one is 350 radius. I want to place number of circles in between space of 150 - 350 radius. It shouldn't be over-placed(overwrite) on other circle which is already placed. It should be placed randomly on every refresh. Can some one please give me idea/logic of how to do this in canvas. Javascript.
A Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/aGq8p/
The trick here is to create random circles but also to be sure they don't overlap previously created circles.
Here's annotated code:
function randomCircle(){
// define random radius
var radius=minCircle+Math.random()*(maxCircle-minCircle);
// define random distance between inner/outer rings
var distFromCenter=innerRadius+radius+Math.random()*(outerRadius-innerRadius-radius*2);
// define random angle
var angle=Math.random()*PI2;
// calculate the x,y of the defined circle
var x=cx+distFromCenter*Math.cos(angle);
var y=cy+distFromCenter*Math.sin(angle);
// check this new circle versus all previous random circles for a collision
var hit=false;
for(var i=0;i<randomCircles.length;i++){
var circle=randomCircles[i];
var dx=circle.cx-x;
var dy=circle.cy-y;
var r=circle.radius+radius;
// if no collision occurred, add this new circle to the existing circles array
var color=randomColor();