I want to plot a percentage cumulative graph of rainfall against day (time of the year). For example my data is:
day rain
1 12.2
2 32.5
3 23.4
4 33.9
5 19.8
6 15.3
7 16.8
and I want something like this:
day rain cumulative
1 12.2 12.2
2 32.5 12.2+32.5
3 23.4 12.2+32.5+23.4
4 33.9 12.2+32.5+23.4+33.9
5 19.8 12.2+32.5+23.4+33.9+19.8
6 15.3 15.3+12.2+32.5+23.4+33.9+19.8
I have produced a cumulative plot but this gives me the absolute cumulative graph.
I need to produce the same in terms of percentage cumulative graph i.e. each item in cumulative is divided by total(rain).
Any suggestions Thanks
To get percentages, you just need to divide by the total:
plot(day, cumsum(rain_1951)/sum(rain_1951))