I'm a little stumped on how to pass in a type argument to a Method, from a parameter.
public class MyNamespaceXmlFormatter : XmlMediaTypeFormatter
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value,
Stream writeStream, HttpContent content,
TransportContext transportContext, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
XElement xmloutput = XElementSerialiser.ToXElement<type>(value);
I've tried the following, but these fail as well;
XElement xmloutput = XElementSerialiser.ToXElement<(T)type>(value);
XElement xmloutput = XElementSerialiser.ToXElement<typeof(type)>(value);
Obviously this compiles, but makes little sense;
XElement xmloutput = XElementSerialiser.ToXElement<Type>(value);
Generic instantiation (i.e. adding <T>
to signature) is a compile-time construct, while Type
object exists at runtime.
It would be preferable, as D Stanley suggested, to make the whole method generic and not pass a Type
object at all.
However, if you're unable to do that, you can make yourself a generic factory with non-generic interface, and create instances of it dynamically. Like so:
interface IFactory {
XElement ToXElement( object value );
class Factory<T> : IFactory {
public XElement ToXElement( object value ) {
return XElementSerialiser.ToXElement<T>( value );
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync( Type type, object value,
Stream writeStream, HttpContent content,
TransportContext transportContext, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var factory = Activator.CreateInstance( typeof( Factory<> ).MakeGenericType( type ) ) as IFactory;
return factory.ToXElement( value );
For performance reasons, you might also want to cache the factory
UPDATE: made a blog post out of it.