I am trying to write a file on my application memory using the following code taken from here:
writeOnFileSystem : function() {
console.log("writeOnFileSystem resolveLocalFileSystemURL ...");
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);
function gotFS(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getFile("file:///data/data/com.company.app/readme.txt", {create: true, exclusive: false}, gotFileEntry, fail);
function gotFileEntry(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(gotFileWriter, fail);
function gotFileWriter(writer) {
function fail(error) {
This throws such exception:
05-14 12:16:55.704: W/System.err(27827): org.apache.cordova.file.EncodingException: This path has an invalid ":" in it.
I am using this string to access my /data/data: file:///data/data/com.company.app/readme.txt (com.company.app is the package of my app)
The same code works if I write on my SD which is done by default on Android.
I am using:
Cordova 3.5.0-0.2.1
org.apache.cordova.file 1.0.1 "File"
org.apache.cordova.file-transfer 0.4.4-dev "File Transfer"
Edit: while this answer still holds, there are quite a few changes to the Cordova File API
When you call requestFileSystem
it returns a
object which has a root property which is a DirectoryEntry
When you call resolveLocalFileSystemURI
it returns a DirectoryEntry
So in your case you need to do:
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("file:///data/data/{package_name}", onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(entry) {
entry.getDirectory("example", {create: true, exclusive: false},onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail);
function onError(error){
the method resolveLocalFileSystemURI
will give you access to the /data/data folder, then you go from there.
The problem with window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);
is that on Android it will give you the SD card path if there is an SD card mounted on the device, otherwise it will give you the path to the internal storage (not even sure if data/data/{package_name} or somewhere else). If you ask me, this is one of the most stupid design choices of all times