I use the text
plugin of require.js
to include some html templates as follows:
], function (HomeTmpl, TopNavbarTmpl, SharedLayoutTmpl, RegisterVerticalTmpl, LoginVerticalTmpl, ThingListItemTmpl, ThingSearchTmpl, TestTestTmpl) {
var allHtml = function () {
return HomeTmpl + TopNavbarTmpl + SharedLayoutTmpl + RegisterVerticalTmpl + LoginVerticalTmpl + ThingListItemTmpl + ThingSearchTmpl + TestTestTmpl;
return {
All: allHtml,
HomeTmpl: HomeTmpl,
TopNavbarTmpl: TopNavbarTmpl,
I really have no need to retain references to each template (even though I am doing so right now); I really just need to dump all of the templates into my head
This way of doing things is cumbersome because it requires me, no pun intended, to add a reference for every new template html file.
What I would like to do is something like this:
define(['text!/assets/templates/*'], function(Templates) { return Templates; });
Is it possible to do this? And if so, what is the syntax for including and stringing all the included files together as one big reference?
RequireJS doesn't support this because it's not (always) possible to get a directory listing from a remote server. What you want is a build tool like Grunt.
For example, with the grunt-contrib-concat task, you could use this configuration to concat all your templates to a single file (that you then include using RequireJS):
concat: {
templates: {
src: ['assets/templates/*'],
dest: 'templates.html'