I have the following function that searches a class' property values for a text match, if any of them have a match it returns true.
private static List<Func<Type, string>> _properties;
private static Type _itemType;
public static bool Match(string searchTerm)
bool match = _properties.Select(prop => prop(_itemType)).Any(value => value != null && value.ToLower().Contains(searchTerm.ToLower()));
return match;
The _properties list is in the order of the bound properties on a DataGrid's columns. _itemType is the class type.
What I would like to do is, continue searching for the text, but, in addition change this so that it will start at a particular property's index in the list and return either, the index of the first property match it comes to or null.
The start of the function will look like so:
public static int Match(int start_index, string searchTerm)
Could use some help in figuring out the best way to accomplish this.
Does this do what you want ?
public static int? Match(int start_index, string searchTerm)
var wanted = _properties
.Select((prop,i) => new { Index = i, Item = prop(_itemType) })
.FirstOrDefault(value => value.Item != null && value.Item.ToLower().Contains(searchTerm.ToLower()));
return wanted==null ? null : (int?)wanted.Index;