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Lua: How to Properly Construct Nested Functions

I'm trying to create a function with local functions within it. The main function would receive an output from an outside source, and the functions within it would be required to translate that input and return results for later use. My problem is that the way I am currently attempting this, when I try to put in my first local function inside the main function, I continue to get nil. Here is an example:

function stats(input)
    height, weight, name, age, gender, relate = string.match(input, "(%d*)ft,(%d*)lbs,(%w*),(%d*),(%u*),(%u)")
    if name then
        function nameInit(relate)
            relateTable = {["F"] = "Friend", ["R"] = "Relative"}
            for k,v in pairs (relateTable) do
                if relate == k then
                    relship = v
                    return relship
    person = name.." is "..age.." years old, weighs "..weight.." and blah blah blah....
    return person
print (stats("5.8ft, 160lbs, Mike Scott, 19, M, F"))

Obviously, this subject isn't practical but what I'm trying to do is along the same lines in terms of end response. I'm currently getting lua: filename: attempt to concatenate global 'relship' (a nil value)? I can get the response I want without the nested function. But when I try to elaborate more on the response I would like to receive, and place that function inside the global function, I begin to get these response(s). This seems to be my problem anytime I attempt to use functions within other functions. I can make two separate global functions and print results from either one. But the minute I try to use one within another, I screw myself up. Anyone who can take some time to help a beginner better understand what he is doing wrong would be great! Thanks all.


  • Based on your statement "the functions within it would be required to translate that input and return results for later use", I'm not sure that nested functions is what you want. You say that when you have two global functions your code works:

    function func1(args)
    function func2(args)

    but when you nest (for example) func1 inside func2, it no longer works. Lua does allow you to define nested functions, but I can only think of two reasons to use them:

    1. to return a function that encapsulates a task, usually with some of the wrapper function's args and/or locals as upvalues.
    2. to encapsulate some logic in a function to be called from within the wrapper function, with no need for any other functions to call it.

    For example of case 1:

    function func2(a, b, c)
       function func1()
           do something with a, b, c eventhough they are not args of func1
           return result
       return func1
    someFunc = func2(1,2,3)
    result = someFunc() -- calls func1 created inside func2, using 1,2,3 

    For example of case 2:

    function func2(a, b, c)
       function func1()
           do something with a, b, c eventhough they are not args of func1
           return result
       result = func1()

    You could also add a nested function to a table object (class) passed as argument, but I see this as a variation on case 1.