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Coldfusion: How to split a string into a set of variables

I'm trying to teach myself ColdFusion.

I have a string coming in from the database in this format:

It is all coming from #getRacer.txtDescription#. The format of this text will always be the same.

I need to split it into 3 variables. I tried this (derived from the example on the adobe website)

<h3>ListToArray Example</h3>
<cfset myList = ValueList(getRacer.txtDescription)>
<p>My list is a list with <cfoutput>#ListLen(myList)#</cfoutput> elements.
<cfset myArrayList = ListToArray(myList,'<br/>')>
<p>My array list is an array with 
<cfoutput>#ArrayLen(myArrayList)#</cfoutput> elements.

I somehow ended up with 11 items in the array.

Thank you


  • This should work.

    <cfset TestSTring = "<br/><br/>">
    <cfset a = TestString.Split("<br/>")>

    The reason ListtoArray is displaying 11 items is because ColdFusion treats each character in the delimiter string (<br/>) as a separate delimiter

    Based on @Leigh's comment updating my answer to ensure people should learn the Coldfusion APIs rather than fiddling with Java functions, <cfset a = ListToArray(TestString, "<br/>", false, true)> will also work. Thanks Leigh.

    Note: The false at the end is for the includeEmptyFields flag and the true is for the multiCharacterDelimiter flag. See the docs.