I'm updating an object property in a factory and it doesn't seem to be updating the property referenced in the controller.
Say I have a factory that looks something like this...
app.factory('User', function ($http)
$http.defaults.useXDomain = true;
var User = {
Name: "",
JobTitle: "",
isloaded: false
User.GetUser = function (ID)
url: "webservice uri",
method: "GET"
).success(function(data, status, headers, config)
User.isloaded= true;
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config)
return User;
the property 'isloaded' is initially set to false, and then once the $http calls goes through the success callback, it is eventually set to false.
And then I have a controller that looks something like
controllers.DefaultCtrl = function($scope, User)
$scope.showMessage = User.isloaded;
$scope.getUser = function ()
which is associated with this html
<h1>{{showMessage.isloaded ? 'success' : 'Loading...'}}</h1>
Ultimately I would like it to say 'success', however, the text never changes in the html
The issue is that you are assigning a primitive:
$scope.showMessage = User.isloaded;
is assigned to false, it is not "pointing" to the isloaded
What you should probably do is set the User
to be a scope variable, something like:
controllers.DefaultCtrl = function($scope, User)
$scope.user = User;
and then in your html you can do:
<h1>{{user.isloaded ? 'success' : 'Loading...'}}</h1>