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liferay issue : display an image from a portlet to another

I 'm learning to write a portlet in liferay portal 6.1 and I use spring mvc portlet, I have an issue when I redirect page 1 to page 2 by using action phase in portlet. And I will display some infomation by the id which have been passed when i redirect page 1 to page 2 So are there any ways to display an image from a portlet of page 1 to an other portlet in page 2 ?

Thanks in advance.


  • There is no way you can access the information passed from Portlet 1 in Portlet 2 using ActionRequest or RenderRequest, whichever possible.

    First you need to get the original HttpServletRequest Object using PortalUtil class and then get the required parameters using ParamUtil, if possible.

    The parameters which are passed through page redirection doesn't fall under any PortletRequest. Hence, they cannot be accessed directly using Action or Render request Object.