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gridster add widget on button click

I'm evaluating gridster jquery plugin for customizing a dashboard and it seems perfect for my needs. But there's something i can't get working. I want to add a new widget dynamically when an 'add button' is clicked, using the add_widget function documented in the library. The result is that the widget seems to be added but then disappears and everything rolls back to the initial state.

    gridster = $(".gridster ul").gridster({
                widget_base_dimensions: [100, 120],
                widget_margins: [5, 5],
                draggable: {
                    handle: '.dragDiv'
    gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);

    $(document).on( "click", "#addWidgetButton", function() { 
       gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);

Look at this jsfiddle.

As you can see in the example I use the same function to add a widget first in the general scope (and it works), and then in the button click event handler but it doesn't work properly.

What's wrong?


  • You should disable the default click event of the button.

    Right code:

    $(document).on( "click", "#addWidgetButton", function(e) {
         gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);