I'm evaluating gridster jquery plugin for customizing a dashboard and it seems perfect for my needs. But there's something i can't get working. I want to add a new widget dynamically when an 'add button' is clicked, using the add_widget function documented in the library. The result is that the widget seems to be added but then disappears and everything rolls back to the initial state.
gridster = $(".gridster ul").gridster({
widget_base_dimensions: [100, 120],
widget_margins: [5, 5],
draggable: {
handle: '.dragDiv'
gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);
$(document).on( "click", "#addWidgetButton", function() {
gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);
Look at this jsfiddle.
As you can see in the example I use the same function to add a widget first in the general scope (and it works), and then in the button click event handler but it doesn't work properly.
What's wrong?
You should disable the default click event of the button.
Right code:
$(document).on( "click", "#addWidgetButton", function(e) {
gridster.add_widget.apply(gridster, ['<li>new</li>', 1, 2]);