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Filtered the last user tweets with TwitterStream

I have created a twitterStream in twitter4j java Api, with which I want to track down user's status. I got a list of users which is actually the followIDs. In listener actually I download user's status images. I save my images with the following name:

String ImageUniqueFileName = status.getUser().getId()+"_id_"+CreateUniqueFileName();
ImageUniqueFileName = ImageUniqueFileName + ".jpg"; 

I ve noticed that in saved images, I got several user ids which was not in the initial list followIDs. Is it normal that I track down ids from other users? Second question, how is it possible to track down not all user tweets but just the last 200 user tweets in twitterStream?

TwitterStream twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(;

FilterQuery fq = new FilterQuery();
// fq.track(myQueries);
ArrayList<FilterQuery>  list = new ArrayList<FilterQuery>();


  • Using the follow parameter will result in the following Tweets being matched:

    • Tweets created by the user.
    • Tweets which are retweeted by the user.
    • Replies to any Tweet created by the user.
    • Retweets of any Tweet created by the user.
    • Manual replies, created without pressing a reply button (e.g. “@twitterapi I agree”).


    I think you assumption is correct, this may account for the unknown ids.

    Regarding obtaining the user's Tweets, you won't be able to use the streaming api for that as it's a real time view of Twitter. However, you may be able to use getUserTimeline(userId, paging) to retrieve the Tweets.

    For a simple example of getUserTimeline in action, take a look at the GetUserTimeline example.