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Why is this traits class not working, to test if a class has a certain typedef?


OK I figured it out. I was using false_type and true_type as an argument to enable_if when I should have just used bool. :x

Further, I have decided that a is_map_like class would be better to check if value_type is like, std::pair<const Tkey, Tmapped>. So, my new traits class looks like this:

template<class Tcontainer>
struct is_map_like
    template<class TvalueType>
    struct test
        static const bool bvalue = false;
    template<class TkeyType, class TmappedType>
    struct test<std::pair<const TkeyType, TmappedType>>
        static const bool bvalue = true;
    static const bool bvalue = test<typename Tcontainer::value_type>::bvalue;

I want to create a is_map_like type traits class that checks for key_type and mapped_type. I am having a hard time building this. For now I'd like to just check for key_type. I have the following so far:

template<class T>
struct is_map_like
    template<typename C> static std::true_type test(typename C::key_type*);
    template<typename C> static std::false_type test(...);
    typedef decltype(test<T>(0)) value;

value here seems to always return false_type. As I understand, SFINAE should allow me to choose the right test overload based on whether C::key_type is accessible.

Here is how I'm testing: First, a struct that is specialized using enable_if on is_map_like:

// a class that will be specialized only for map-like types
template<class T, class Enable = void>
struct MyStruct
    static void fn() { DebugLog(L"T is not a map type"); }
template<class T>
struct MyStruct<T, typename std::enable_if<is_map_like<T>::value>::type>
    static void fn() { DebugLog(L"T is INDEED a map type"); }

And here's how I call it at runtime:

void test_is_map()
    MyStruct<std::map<int, int>>::fn();

The output:

T is not a map type T is not a map type

What am I doing wrong? Why is the test(typename C::key_type*) not used even for the map, which indeed has a key_type? Or is the problem with my usage of decltype?

And bonus: are there any debugging techniques for this? How can I inspect how specializations are chosen, or even get a verification at compile-time about expansion? Maybe there are VS-specific extensions or compile-time debugging tools?


  • The value in the SFINAE structure is a type.

    Make it:

    static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T>(0))::value;

    and it will work