I have a large string separated text file (not single-char seperated) like this:
first data[STRING-SEPERATOR]second data[STRING-SEPERATOR] ...
I don't want to load the entire file in the memory because of its size (~250MB). If I read the entire file with System.IO.File.ReadAllText
i get an OutOfMemoryException
Therefore I want to read the file until the first appereance of [STRING-SEPERATOR]
, then proceed with the next string. It's like to "take" the first data
off the file, process it and the go on with the second data
which is now the first data of the file.
The System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine()
doesn't help me because the contents of the file is one line.
Have you got an idea how to read a file until a certain string in .NET?
I hope for some ideas, thank you.
Thank you for your replies. Here's the function I wrote in VB.NET:
Public Function ReadUntil(Stream As System.IO.FileStream, UntilText As String) As String
Dim builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim returnTextBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim returnText As String = String.Empty
Dim size As Integer = CInt(UntilText.Length / 2) - 1
Dim buffer(size) As Byte
Dim currentRead As Integer = -1
Do Until currentRead = 0
Dim collected As String = Nothing
Dim chars As String = Nothing
Dim foundIndex As Integer = -1
currentRead = Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
chars = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 0, currentRead)
collected = builder.ToString()
foundIndex = collected.IndexOf(UntilText)
If (foundIndex >= 0) Then
returnText = returnTextBuilder.ToString()
Dim indexOfSep As Integer = returnText.IndexOf(UntilText)
Dim cutLength As Integer = returnText.Length - indexOfSep
returnText = returnText.Remove(indexOfSep, cutLength)
builder.Remove(0, foundIndex + UntilText.Length)
If (cutLength > UntilText.Length) Then
Stream.Position = Stream.Position - (cutLength - UntilText.Length)
End If
Return returnText
ElseIf (Not collected.Contains(UntilText.First())) Then
builder.Length = 0
End If
Return String.Empty
End Function
public static string ReadUntil(System.IO.FileStream Stream, string UntilText)
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
System.Text.StringBuilder returnTextBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
string returnText = string.Empty;
int size = System.Convert.ToInt32(UntilText.Length / (double)2) - 1;
byte[] buffer = new byte[size + 1];
int currentRead = -1;
while (currentRead != 0)
string collected = null;
string chars = null;
int foundIndex = -1;
currentRead = Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
chars = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 0, currentRead);
collected = builder.ToString();
foundIndex = collected.IndexOf(UntilText);
if ((foundIndex >= 0))
returnText = returnTextBuilder.ToString();
int indexOfSep = returnText.IndexOf(UntilText);
int cutLength = returnText.Length - indexOfSep;
returnText = returnText.Remove(indexOfSep, cutLength);
builder.Remove(0, foundIndex + UntilText.Length);
if ((cutLength > UntilText.Length))
Stream.Position = Stream.Position - (cutLength - UntilText.Length);
return returnText;
else if ((!collected.Contains(UntilText.First())))
builder.Length = 0;
return string.Empty;