apache tomcat is not working on port 8080. I tried to figure out what program is running on port 8080 with the netstat command
**C:\Users\SGaiks>netstat -aon | find ":8080"
TCP [::]:8080 [::]:0 LISTENING 4**
the program having PID 4 is running on port 8080, so I checked what program is having PID 4 in the task manager and I get SYSTEM (here are the details since I cannot post screenshots)
Name :- SYSTEM
PID :- 4
Status :- Running
Username:- SYSTEM
CPU :- 01
Memory :- 88k
Description :- NT Kernal & System
what does this actually mean? how do i disable the program that is using port 8080?
I have seen many similar questions asked but that didn't help.
(dont know if doing this is right) --> I also changed the port to some random port (localhost:2200) to run tomcat on localhost and it successfully runs. but I want it to run on localhost:8080
Try to open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080
. If you're lucky, you have another server running and it'll serve a page. Otherwise, I'll try to dig more to help you.
EDIT 1 : The server seems to answer (even if the requested resource wasn't found), so you should have another server running. Take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/284285 for troubleshooting HTTP connexion problems, and give us the result