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Jacl script war deploymet

I'm trying to deploy war in websphere using jacl script , below is the command i'm using

set opts [list -cluster $clusterName -appname $earFileName -contextroot $appContextRoot -installed.ear.destination $destination -MapWebModToVH $virtualHost]

$AdminApp install $earFileLocation  $opts

After adding -MapWebModToVH $virtualHost parameter i'm getting

WASX7017E: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String incompatible with java.util.List

i checked the link for reference.

any help will be appreciated


  1. set opts [list -cluster $clusterName -appname $earFileName -contextroot $appContextRoot -installed.ear.destination $destination -MapWebModToVH {$virtualHost}]

then i get

 WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "./CSDeployWar.jacl"; exception information: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String incompatible with java.util.List

2 set opts [list -cluster $clusterName -appname $earFileName -contextroot $appContextRoot -installed.ear.destination $destination {-MapWebModToVH {$virtualHost}}]. then i get

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: WASX7122E: Expected "-" not found


  • finally the below command worked

    set opts [list -cluster $clusterName -appname $earFileName -contextroot $appContextRoot -installed.ear.destination $destination -usedefaultbindings $virtualHost]
    $AdminApp install $earFileLocation  $opts