I'd like to do an override with MS Fakes that would call the base code and I can't find how to do it. Here's an example
public class Potato
public virtual string Peel(PeelingMethod peelingMethod)
return "potato peeled";
When I create my Stub
new StubPotato()
PeelPeelingMethod = (p) =>
//Doesn't compile!
Console.WriteLine("Hello world");
How can I achieve this, I am pretty new to the MS Fakes framework so maybee there is something i don't know about it.
I found a solution, it is pretty disgusting but it works. I'll put it here if someone needs. I'll reuse my example (that I edited because I didn't test this answer with a method that returns void)
var stubPotato = new StubPotato()
PeelPeelingMethod = (p) =>
//Base method call
MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(Potato).GetMethod("Peel", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
var methodPtr = methodInfo.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer();
var baseMethod = (Func<PeelingMethod,string>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Func<PeelingMethod,string>), stubPotato , methodPtr);
string baseResult = baseMethod(p);
//Code for the "override"
Console.WriteLine("Hello world");