I made the Scrollable View in NGUI using following tutorials Here but how can I use button to scroll the objects. Like If i click on up button it ScrollView should be up and If i click on down ScrollView should be down.
Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.
You can do two different things to have scrolling button, depending what do you mean.
component, which you will attach to you UIScrollView
as a horizontal or vertical scroll bar. See NGUI examples included to the package.UIScrollView
, you should attach to this gameObject a UIDragScrollView
component. It will allow you to drag-to-scroll behavior, similar to mobile list dragging experience. Again, such example should be included to the package.EDIT: After your question clarification, the answer should be a bit different.
You should write a script, with a reference to your UIScrollView
and then you should call on it MoveRelative( Vector3 relative ) or MoveAbsolute( Vector3 absolute ), which will move the scroll view.