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Delete a record and immediately fetch it again

I am using smartgwt ( not the paid license version ) and I have a listgrid with three entries. Key, Value, Reset.

The reset-field is a button that should reset any changes to the value and here is where I struggle. I tried to implement it as simple as

public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
    DataSource ds = this.grid.getDataSource();

grid being my ListGrid and record the row that has been clicked to be reseted.

But this only removes the entry, it is there again if I reload ( even with the right value , because that is what my server does if he gets remove-requests), but I would like that it is there immediately after I click the button and not after clicking around a bit.

I assumed the fetchData and redraw request combined would accomplish this.

edit: Okay some more code, this shows my constructor for the ListGrid and the RevertButton which should remove and add the Record again.

    private static final String REVERT_NAME = "revertField";

    public MyListGrid(final String name)

        ListGridField keyField = new ListGridField(ConfigurationDataSourceFields.PROPERTY_NAME, "Property");
        ListGridField valueField = new ListGridField(ConfigurationDataSourceFields.PROPERTY_VALUE, "Value");
        ListGridField revertField = new ListGridField(REVERT_NAME, "Revert to Default");




        this.setFields(keyField, valueField, revertField);

    protected Canvas createRecordComponent(final ListGridRecord record, Integer colNum)
        String fieldName = this.getFieldName(colNum);
        Canvas canvas = null;
        if ( REVERT_NAME.equals(fieldName) ) 
            canvas = new RevertButton(this, record);
        return canvas;

    private class RevertButton extends IButton implements ClickHandler
        private final MyListGrid grid;
        private final ListGridRecord record;

        public RevertButton(final MyListGrid grid, final ListGridRecord record)
            this.setTitle("Revert to Default");
            this.grid = grid;
            this.record = record;

        public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
            DataSource ds = this.grid.getDataSource();


  • Do in this way using DSCallback.

    DataSource#removeData() is a async call to the server. Either redraw the grid again or fetch the data again after getting response from server that record has been deleted in DSCallback.

    DataSource dataSource = grid.getDataSource();
    dataSource.removeData(record,new DSCallback() {
        public void execute(DSResponse dsResponse, Object data, DSRequest dsRequest){
            Record[] records=dsResponse.getData();//deleted records
            grid.fetchData();//fetch data again

    Please have a look at this thread Removing local record from listGrid without committing

    Try with ListGrid#saveAllEdits() before fetching the data again.

    You can try with ListGrid#removeSelectedData() to remove the currently selected records from this component. If this is a databound grid, the records will be removed directly from the DataSource.