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Check if CDO e-mail is supported on Volusion Windows server

I am trying to use CDO to send e-mail through a Volusion Windows server. The ASP script I've written works fine on a GoDaddy Windows server so I know the script is correct but it doesn't work through Volusion. In that script, I had used GoDaddy's SMTP server to send the e-mail and it worked great on the GoDaddy server but not on Volusion.

I've tried several SMTP servers. Volusion provides documentation on their mail servers here:

I've tried both the SMTP servers with SSL and without in the script (and have also tried all the different ports).

I'm wondering if the ability to send e-mails with CDO is not supported on Volusion servers? Is there a way to check if a server supports CDO without having access to the cPanel, WHM or any core files? With Volusion, they only give you access to part of the FTP.

Thanks for your help!


Here is the code I used that worked:


' Set the mail server configuration
Set objConfig=CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
' Server port (typically 25)

' Create and send the mail
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
' Use the config object created above
Set myMail.Configuration=objConfig
myMail.From="[email protected]"
myMail.To="[email protected]"
myMail.Subject = "Test Subject"
myMail.HTMLBody = "Test"

Set myMail = Nothing

response.write "Success!!"

I've obviously updated those e-mail address when I run the code.


To answer a question in the comments my server version is:



  • To answer your initial question, how to check CDO is supported.

    Here is a quick example of checking for the Object Required error (or any error for that matter while instantiating the CDO COM object.

    Dim cdo, is_cdosupported
    On Error Resume Next
    Set cdo = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
    is_cdosupported = (Err.Number <> 0)
    On Error Goto 0
    If is_cdosupported Then
      Call Response.Write("CDO is supported")
      Call Response.Write("CDO not supported")
    End If

    Digging around on Google

    After commenting a few times decided to dig into Volusion (must admit not one I've come across and after a quick search in Google found this link.

    Quote from The VSMTP Key

    A special ASP class is provided for use with Volusion's built-in send-mail component, VSMTP.

    You can use this class to create your own send mail solutions for your store using ASP. Note that the information being provided in this article is intended for advanced users. This solution provides an alternate to sending email via Volusion's standard POP-based or webmail-based solutions.

    If you're using Volusion's standard email hosting resources (POP, IMAP, or Webmail), you will not be required to update any functions within your store or account.

    To use the VSMTP component with your Volusion store, you will need to download Volusion's VSMTP ASP class.

    Judging by the Object Required ASP component error you get when trying to instantiate the CDO components I would say that CDO is not supported by Volusion servers.

    There is a simple example shown using the VSMTP ASP class

    Dim mailer
    Set mailer = new vsmtp
    mailer.VsmtpKey = "65539C7A-525C-4CB7-B36B-BFBBDD332DD6"
    mailer.EmailSubject = "Test Subject"
    mailer.EmailFrom = "[email protected]"
    mailer.EmailTo = "[email protected]"
    mailer.TextBody = "Hello World!"
    mailer.HTMLBody = "Hello World"
    mailer.AddAttachment Server.MapPath("/v/test1.txt")
    mailer.AddAttachment "/v/test2.txt"

    Your best bet is to adapt your existing script to use this VSMTP bespoke class that is support by Volusion.

    Looking at the VSMTP ASP class, it looks like it's a simple wrapper to POST to an ASP endpoint (vsmtp.asp).

    Class vsmtp
        Public VsmtpKey
        Public EmailSubject
        Public EmailFrom
        Public EmailTo
        Public TextBody
        Public HTMLBody
        Private Attachment
        Private AttachmentFolder
        Public Sub AddAttachment(ByRef FilePath)
            If AttachmentFolder = "" Then
                AttachmentFolder = Server.MapPath("/v")
            End If
            If StrComp(Left(FilePath,Len(AttachmentFolder)),AttachmentFolder,vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                FilePath = Replace(Mid(FilePath,Len(AttachmentFolder)-1),"\","/")
            End If
            If StrComp(Left(FilePath,3),"/v/",vbTextCompare) <> 0 Or InStr(FilePath,",") > 0 Then
                Err.Raise 512, "vsmtp.AddAttachment", "Invalid Attachment Path"
            End If
            If IsEmpty(Attachment) Then
                Attachment = FilePath
                Attachment = Attachment & "," & FilePath
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub Send()
            Dim HTTPRequest
            Set HTTPRequest = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")
            HTTPRequest.Open "POST", "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "/vsmtp.asp", False
            HTTPRequest.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            HTTPRequest.SetRequestHeader "Host", Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
            HTTPRequest.Send _
                "VsmtpKey=" & Server.URLEncode(VsmtpKey) &_
                "&Subject=" & Server.URLEncode(EmailSubject) &_
                "&FromEmailAddress=" & Server.URLEncode(EmailFrom) &_
                "&ToEmailAddress=" & Server.URLEncode(EmailTo) &_
                "&Body_HTML=" & Server.URLEncode(HTMLBody) &_
                "&Body_TextOnly=" & Server.URLEncode(TextBody) &_
                "&Attachment_CSV=" & Server.URLEncode(Attachment)
            If HTTPRequest.ResponseText <> "True" Then
                Set HTTPRequest = Nothing
                Err.Raise 8, "vsmtp.Send", "Unable to send email. Check logs for details."
            End If
            Set HTTPRequest = Nothing
        End Sub
    End Class