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Force updating Cocoapod with same tag

I'm working on a private cocoapod and project using that cocoapod concurrently, and I'm having difficulty settling on the right workflow for keeping everything synchronized.

The problem i am encountering is this: If i make a change to my cocoapod project, I've found that the only way I can get my other project to pull those changes is if I create a new tag and change the version referenced by the pod spec. As a result, I'm getting stuck with many useless versions of my pod spec.

What I would prefer is to simply move my tag to the head of my cocoapod project and somehow re-pull the cocoapod. I've found that pod install and pod update do not seem to refresh the cocoapod in this circumstance.

Does anyone have any recommendations for concurrently working on a cocoapod and a project that uses it?


  • You could also use the :head flag but you would still have to create the tags.

    pod 'YourPod', :head

    When running pod update the pod’s latest version spec would be used.