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how to use Google Line Chart API for passing dynamic data in Blackberry application?

I want to pass my array data to the URL.

My code is:

    String[] pointArray=(String[]) hashtable.get("point");

// where all values are coming from hashtable of my webservice.I want to pass this array as a chart data for line graph.

BrowserFieldConfig myBrowserFieldConfig = new BrowserFieldConfig();
BrowserField browserField = new BrowserField(myBrowserFieldConfig);

String url=",10&chdlp=b&chxt=x,y" +
"&chg=1.04,0,5,1&chds=0,30&chco=3072F3,ff0000,00aaaa&chls=2,4,1&chm=s,FF0000,0,-1,0|s,0000ff,1,-1,0|s,00aa00,2,-1,0" +


But it gives me this error :

The parameter 'chd=t:[Ljava.Lang.String@d297c570f' does not match the expected format.

I want to pass my array to this URL for chart data. How to solve this problem?


  • In url

    String url=",10&chdlp=b&chxt=x,y"

    Your point is converted with point.toString() and appended to the url in this part


    which is the second time when chd appers in the url. So in effect only the last chd value is considered. And the first which was chd=t:100,200,300,400,500,600,700 is not considered.

    If you want to pass chd it has to be in format chd=t:val,val,val where val represents a value from your data. See an example with a data chd=t:-5,30,-30,50,80,200

    and chd should appear only once in the url.

    So your code for the url would be this:

    String url=",10&chdlp=b&chxt=x,y"
    + "&chg=1.04,0,5,1&chds=0,30&chco=3072F3,ff0000,00aaaa&chls=2,4,1&chm=s,FF0000,0,-1,0|s,0000ff,1,-1,0|s,00aa00,2,-1,0"
    + "&chs=480x280&chof=validate&chd=t:"+<comma separated list of values>;