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Starteam to X migration? (where X is one of: svn/git/hg/bzr ...)

Is there a tool that can migrate Starteam to svn or git or any other modern/decent source control system?

I'm thinking of something along the lines of how git-svn works; allowing you to use git to pull from an svn repository.

Something that can import a StarTeam repository and convert it to an svn repository, but also keep pulling from Starteam and adding to svn.

Hell, even a "starteam to cvs" tool would be fine, as long as I can keep pulling from the starteam repo after the initial migration.


  • I've used polarion's SVN Importer for StarTeam to Subversion migration. I believe it has an incremental import available that would allow you to continue to update your subversion repository over time. but I've only done full one shot exports from StarTeam into Subversion.