Search code examples

Ad Block Plus Blocking jQuery Script?

I have a script that pulls data from my CMS and then allows a person to vote on a poll. The script works fine. However, I have Ad Block Plus Plugin installed in Firefox. When that is enabled to blocks the script from submitting the form correctly. It appears to submit correctly in the front end but is never registered in the back end.

Why does Ad Block Plus block my script that has nothing to do with ads?

The script is below:

$(document).ready(function () {

    var Engine = {
        ui: {
            buildChart: function() {

                if ($("#pieChart").size() === 0) {

                var pieChartData = [],
                    totalVotes = 0,
                    $dataItems = $("ul.key li");

                // grab total votes
                $dataItems.each(function (index, item) {
                    totalVotes += parseInt($(item).data('votes'));

                // iterate through items to draw pie chart
                // and populate % in dom
                $dataItems.each(function (index, item) {
                    var votes = parseInt($(item).data('votes')),
                        votePercentage = votes / totalVotes * 100,
                        roundedPrecentage = Math.round(votePercentage * 10) / 10;


                        value: roundedPrecentage,
                        color: $(item).data('color')

                var ctx = $("#pieChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
                var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Pie(pieChartData, {});

            }, // buildChart

            pollSubmit: function() {

                if ($("#pollAnswers").size() === 0) {

                var $form = $("#pollAnswers"),
                    $radioOptions = $form.find("input[type='radio']"),
                    $existingDataWrapper = $(".web-app-item-data"),
                    $webAppItemName = $"item-name"),
                    $formButton = $form.find("button"),
                    bcField_1 = "CAT_Custom_1",
                    bcField_2 = "CAT_Custom_2",
                    bcField_3 = "CAT_Custom_3",
                    $formSubmitData = "";

                $radioOptions.on("change", function() {

                    $formButton.removeAttr("disabled"); // enable button

                    var chosenField = $(this).data("field"), // gather value
                        answer_1 = parseInt($"answer-1")),
                        answer_2 = parseInt($"answer-2")),
                        answer_3 = parseInt($"answer-3"));

                    if (chosenField == bcField_1) {
                        answer_1 = answer_1 + 1;
                        $formSubmitData = {
                            ItemName: $webAppItemName,
                            CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
                            CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
                            CAT_Custom_3: answer_3

                    if (chosenField == bcField_2) {
                        answer_2 = answer_2 + 1;
                        $formSubmitData = {
                            ItemName: $webAppItemName,
                            CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
                            CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
                            CAT_Custom_3: answer_3

                    if (chosenField == bcField_3) {
                        answer_3 = answer_3 + 1;
                        $formSubmitData = {
                            ItemName: $webAppItemName,
                            CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
                            CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
                            CAT_Custom_3: answer_3



                function prepForm(formSubmitData) {

                    $ {
                        logAnonUserIn("anon", "anon", formSubmitData); // log user in

                    }); // submit

                } // prepForm

                function logAnonUserIn(username, password, formSubmitData) {
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: '/ZoneProcess.aspx?ZoneID=-1&Username=' + username + '&Password=' + password,
                        async: true,
                        beforeSend: function () {},
                        success: function () {},
                        complete: function () {
                } // logAnonUserIn

                function fireForm(formSubmitData) {
                    // submit the form

                    var url = "/CustomContentProcess.aspx?A=EditSave&CCID=13998&OID=3931634&OTYPE=35";

                        type: 'POST',
                        url: url,
                        data: formSubmitData,
                        async: true,
                        success: function () {},
                        error: function () {},
                        complete: function () {
                            window.location = "/";

            } // pollSubmit

        } // end ui





  • As it turns out easylist contains this filter:


    This is why my script is being blocked.

    I was told I can try this exception filter:


    I could also ask easylist to add an exception.

    Answer comes from Ad Block Plus Forums.