So I'm writing some tools for my program to deal with basic configurations, reading settings from a data file, and then making those settings the active configuration. I'm also building in an error checking mechanism to make sure that settings are formatted correctly and have valid values.
I want to check to see what the current devices supported resolutions are, and I want to compare that to the resolution specified in the data file. Is there an easy way to do this in libGDX that I'm missing? I know that LWJGL has a function that will give you an array of the supported resolutions, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
I'm looking for something like: boolean isValidResolutionForDevice(int width, int height)
Am I going to have to write this myself? Or does this exist already? It seems to me to be such a useful function that it must have been written into the libraries somewhere.
Unfortunately, there is no ready solution in libgdx, I solved it like this:
private Map<Integer, Integer> supportedReolutions;
private String graphicFolder;
supportedReolutions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
supportedReolutions.put(1024, 768);
supportedReolutions.put(1080, 1920);
supportedReolutions.put(1200, 1920);
supportedReolutions.put(2048, 1536);
supportedReolutions.put(480, 800);
supportedReolutions.put(640, 1136);
graphicFolder = "1080x1920";
* Chose the folder with best graphic for current device
private void setCurrentResolutionFolder() {
int width =;
int height =;
if (supportedReolutions.containsKey(width)) {
if (supportedReolutions.get(width) == height) {
graphicFolder = String.valueOf(width) + "x"
+ String.valueOf(height);