Just wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I've come across in Java.
Is there functionality within Java to produce a section of code that will open the default email application on a user's PC? (I guess almost like a fancy mailto link...)
If there is - is it possible to populate fields such as the To and Subject fields?
Thanks, Mike.
Desktop.mail(URI mailtoURI) is your friend!
Launches the mail composing window of the user default mail client, filling the message fields specified by a mailto: URI.
A mailto: URI can specify message fields including "to", "cc", "subject", "body", etc. See The mailto URL scheme (RFC 2368) for the mailto: URI specification details.
Example Code:
Desktop desktop;
if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()
&& (desktop = Desktop.getDesktop()).isSupported(Desktop.Action.MAIL)) {
URI mailto = new URI("mailto:john@example.com?subject=Hello%20World");
} else {
// TODO fallback to some Runtime.exec(..) voodoo?
throw new RuntimeException("desktop doesn't support mailto; mail is dead anyway ;)");