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Pushing to the top of a Kendo Array

I am currently using Kendo Mobile, and Kendo MVVM to create a native looking browser app. I am using Kendos source and template binding, and I am trying to do something very simple, but cant seem to figure it out. What I want to do is push a new item to my already existing array which works, but I would like the item to go to the top of the list not the bottom. Is there a way to reorder a kendo array once I have pushed to it, or can I explicitly tell my item to push to the top.

Here is my jquery which works, but its pushing to the bottom I want it at the top.

                visibleDelete: false,
                myPost: data.IsMine,
                auththemecolor: { defaultC: data.DefaultColor, lightC: data.LightColor, darkC: data.DarkColor, },
                authpicture: data.AuthorURL,
                authdisplayname: data.PostDisplayName,
                posttime: data.DisplayTime,
                postcontent: data.PostContent,
                numberComments: data.CommentCount,
                postId: data.Id


  • If newsfeedvm.get("posts") is returning a regular Array, you can try the unshift method. It basically does the same thing as push, except it adds the item to the beginning of the array. Documentation here:

    Kendo observable arrays seem to support it as well: