I'm performing twitter oauth authentication but the callback isn't being called (set as http://www.kdcappfactory.com/twittersuccess/success in app settings)
here's what I do:
request a token from
authorizationHeaderValue: OAuth oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kdcappfactory.com%2Ftwittersuccess%2Fsuccess", oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxxxxxxxxx", oauth_nonce="3f8f63af799b21c0", oauth_signature="xxxxxxxxxxxx%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1392188696", oauth_version="1.0"
I get this response:
I open the URL using oauth_token
and listen for a redirection to http://www.kdcappfactory.com/twittersuccess/success
but after successful login the user isn't redirected,
I still get a signin and cancel button and the signin button takes me nowhere, cancel takes me to another page asking me to exit the application, this redirects me to the success url with a "denied" param added to it
I found the redirection endpoint was incorrect