I'm using devise
with my rails 4 app to handle the authentication, and no problems there.
However, I want to make sure a logged in user can only view / edit (via the show
and update
actions) the items that his user owns (that are linked to his user_id
I think I could hack something to make this all work by checking the current_user.id
, but many users in Stackoverflow and other places say to use cancan
-- however it appears cancan
is dead and gone, and there's a replacement called cancancan
, which may be ok, but I don't know.
Is there a standard way to do this in Rails 4, or is the best route to still use a third party gem like cancancan
? Is there a better gem?
I've been using Pundit instead of Cancan for the last few projects I've done. It is lightweight, flexible and easy to use. Here's the link: https://github.com/elabs/pundit
In regards to your question, you will create policies for each model. For each action you define a method. It's super simple and explained on the link I've attached. Here as an example you have update in your model (models/post.rb):
def update
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
authorize @post
if @post.update(post_params)
redirect_to @post
render :edit
Call authorize to define permissions.
In your policies/post.rb:
class PostPolicy < Struct.new(:user, :post)
def update?
user.admin? or not post.published?
That returns true or false. In your case if you want to check if the user is a owner you can place the following if statement:
if user.admin? || user.owner_of?(post)
You get the idea. You can also define scopes, etc.