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Cocos2d-x v3 Cannot override forward function Draw

//in my .h file
virtual void draw();

//in .cpp
void GameLayer:draw()
   //draw code goes here

It shows cannot override forward function node::draw()

As far as I know, it was working on the old versions. Is there any new approach in cocos2d-x 3.0?

Thanks in advance.


  • in v3.0 overriding the draw() method has changed.

    try in .h:

    virtual void draw(Renderer* renderer, const kmMat4& transform, bool transformUpdated);

    try in cpp:

    void draw(Renderer* renderer, const kmMat4& transform, bool transformUpdated)

    If you are running the latest version 3.1 from GitHub, this has changed. Replace kmMat4 with Matrix

    Edit: maybe you need to namespace it: cocos2d::Renderer