I have a small embedded system, and I like to use Eclipse to write/upload/debug programs.
There is only one problem, Eclipse can not upload programs via gdb to gdbserver.
There is support for:
But they all require extra software on my embedded system.
With gdb you can upload programs to gdbserver of the embedded system.
Does you know if there is some Eclipse support for that? Maybe a plugin?
(I searched 2 days before asking, so it would be great if you can help me out here.)
if you know the address space where you wish copy the program you can do it from GDB:
from https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Dump_002fRestore-Files.html :
restore filename [binary] bias start end
Restore the contents of file filename into memory. The restore command can automatically recognize any known bfd file format, except for raw binary. To restore a raw binary file you must specify the optional keyword binary after the filename. If bias is non-zero, its value will be added to the addresses contained in the file. Binary files always start at address zero, so they will be restored at address bias. Other bfd files have a built-in location; they will be restored at offset bias from that location.
If start and/or end are non-zero, then only data between file offset start and file offset end will be restored. These offsets are relative to the addresses in the file, before the bias argument is applied.
i imagine it will be possible to connect this functionality to an Eclipse button.