I have below code I want to NotiFy only Single item of he List not whole List as if we will NotiFy whole List it will reload data again which is consuming lots of memory and looks ugly.Anyone know Better way to increase performance of application?
public void valueChangedListnerForCombo(
@BindingParam("Code") Combobox combobox,
@BindingParam("BeanData") Record record,
@BindingParam("ColumnName") String columnName) {
super.valueChangedListnerForCombo(combobox, record, columnName);
if (!adminNewListModelList.contains(record) && !changedListModel.contains(record)){
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, this , "adminListboxViewModel");
Edit : You can notifyChange a single object like this :
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, record, "*");
Result for your cause : nothing.
Why : Because you do add
operation. If it is an update
of record
this shall work.
You add the object to a listModel so the listModel is changed and has to been notified.
If you only call the listmodel
and not your getter from your viewmodel
you normally have performance gain. (try setting a logger on your getter of the object and see what is all called)
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, changedListModel, "*");
Edit 2 :
You have your combobox in your method.
Try doing the following in stead of the postNotifyChanged
This shall set the combobox correct to the underlying model, what you just changed.