when i was dealing with some large numbers like,
take any random number 3289568273632879456235
I found that in Chrome
or Firefox
3289568273632879456235 % 6 = 0
but in Python
3289568273632879456235 % 6 = 5
after that i found that answer from Python is correct.
so i don't understand why there is different answers.
can anybody explain to me.
This is because javascript has no concept of an integer -- only numbers (which are stored as IEEE floats). Floats have a finite precision, if you try to make a number more precise than the float can represent, it will be "truncated" -- Which is exactly what is happening with your big numbers. Consider the python "equivalent":
>>> int(float(3289568273632879456235)) % 6
Here's a few more interesting tidbits to hopefully make the point a little more clear:
>>> int(float(3289568273632879456235)) # Notice, the different result due to loss of precision.
>>> int(float(3289568273632879456235)) == int(float(3289568273632879456236)) # different numbers, same result due to "truncation"