I have the following formula:
=IF(MROUND(((D4-C4+IF(C4>D4,1)-INT(D4-C4+IF(C4>D4,1)))*24), 0.25) < 0.15, 0.25, MROUND(((D4-C4+IF(C4>D4,1)-INT(D4-C4+IF(C4>D4,1)))*24), 0.25))
this formula gets the time between a start and stop time and rounds it up to the nearest 15 minutes. I have a problem with it when no time is entered and it = 15 minutes.
If anyone can help so it says 0 or even a less complex solution that would be great thank, I am thinking a macro what does everyone think?
The formula as written says:
So if you want for it to give zero if neither time is entered, just simplify the formula like this:
which gives zero if the difference is between 0 and 7.5 minutes (Excel just assumes that an empty cell is zero, midnight in this case), otherwise it gives the same results.