For a school assignment i have to make a C program that reads a whole number, that may be preceded by a '+' or '-'. i can only use getchar().
I can convert a single char to an int using int i = ch - '0'
but I want to read in multiple chars. besides that I need to check if the input is correct (eq. no not-numerical charachters)
I have this so far:
int main(void) {
int i;
char ch;
printf("voer een getal in: ");
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') {
i = ch - '0';
printf("het ingevoerde getal is: %d\n", i);
Edit: I get that this isn't really the place for problems like this (I should learn to fix it myself, not get others to fix it for me) but I didn't know what to do anymore. thanks you for guiding me to the right path
Reading in multiple characters, and determine whether positive, negative, and value:
int sign = 1;
ch = getchar(); //look at first char (might be a sign indicator)
if((ch == '-') || (ch == '+')) //consume first char if either `-` or `+`
if(ch == '-') sign = -1;
else //first char non-sign - handle as digit
if (ch > '9' || ch < '0')
continue; // or print an error and exit
i *= 10;
i += ch - '0';
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') //get remaining chars (assume no embedded sign chars)
if (ch > '9' || ch < '0')
continue; // or print an error and exit
i *= 10;
i += ch - '0';
i *= sign; //apply sign to value