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Pentaho 5.0.1 CE bi-server gmail configuration

I refer to my earlier question and how I solved it. I am now using the latest version of pentaho and I cant seem to get the email configuration working.

Port: 465
Use Authentication: Yes
User : mygmailusername
Pass : mygmailpass
protocol: smtp (instead of smtps)
Secure Con Type : SSL

When I enter the details in the admin settings and click test email configuration it fails. The thing is that as I mentioned in my earlier question this config works fine in pdi and am able to send emails. However it is does not seem to work for bi-server. Are there some files I need to modify or what? Also I have tried all other possible configs (protocol:smtps, port:587) etc. and still failure. Why does this config work in pdi and not biserver ?


  • I finally had to change the configuration to

    SMTP Host:
    Port: 587
    Authentication: Yes (checked)
    User Name:
    Pass : mygmailpass
    Protocol: smtp (or smtps; both work for me)
    Address all email from server will come from:
    Use Start TLS: Yes (checked)
    Use SSL: Yes (checked)

    Now Pentaho 5.0.1 BiServer Can send emails via gmail smtp. Works like a charm