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custom summerType in xtraGrid gridControl

How can add a custom summerType in xtraGrid gridControl?

I would like to add a SummerItem to a column in my xtraGrid gridControl named total percent whitch will calculate the percentage of the two other columns.

In total I have 3 columns 1. Quantities of Items A 2. Total Quantities and 3. Percentage

Also I have summaryItems with

1. Sum of column 1 (`Quantities of Item A`)
2. Sum of column 2 (`Total Quantities`) and 
3. Total Percentage whitch I would like to make a divition with ( column 1 / column 2 ) * 100

My question is how can I do this? I should use a Custom Summary Type ? if yes how can use this type?

Can anyone help me?



  • I found the solution here

    Works perfect for me

    I create two private variables in my class

    private decimal _sumOfValues = 0;
    private decimal _sumOfTotalValue = 0;

    Created a custom summary type in the percentage column and in option Tag typed percentageColumnCustomSummary whitch is the ID of this summary column

    Create an event on my xtraGrid

    private void allocationGridView_CustomSummaryCalculate(object sender, DevExpress.Data.CustomSummaryEventArgs e) 

    And typed bellow code

    private void allocationGridView_CustomSummaryCalculate(object sender, DevExpress.Data.CustomSummaryEventArgs e) 
                    //int summaryID = Convert.ToInt32((e.Item as GridSummaryItem).Tag);
                    string summaryTag = Convert.ToString((e.Item as GridSummaryItem).Tag);
                    GridView View = sender as GridView;
                    // Initialization 
                    if (e.SummaryProcess == CustomSummaryProcess.Start) {
                        _sumOfValues = 0;
                        _sumOfTotalValue = 0;
                    if (e.SummaryProcess == CustomSummaryProcess.Calculate) {
                        decimal colValueColumnValue = Convert.ToDecimal( View.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "Value") );
                        decimal colTotalValueColumnValue = Convert.ToDecimal( View.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "TotalValue") );
                        switch (summaryTag) {
                            case "percentageColumnCustomSummary":
                                _sumOfValues += colValueColumnValue;
                                _sumOfTotalValue += colTotalValueColumnValue;
                    // Finalization 
                    if (e.SummaryProcess == CustomSummaryProcess.Finalize) {
                        switch (summaryTag) {
                            case "percentageColumnCustomSummary":
                                e.TotalValue = 0;
                                if (_sumOfTotalValue != 0) {
                                    e.TotalValue = (_sumOfValues / _sumOfTotalValue);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    _logger.ErrorException("allocationGridView_CustomSummaryCalculate", ex);

    This works great!