I am working on a simple program which given 2 times (1015 and 1025 and 0925 and 1010) will return the time difference in minutes between them.
1015 and 1025 -> 10 minutes difference
This simple math formula will give you the answer:
((10*60 +10) - (9*60 + 25))
So now all you need to do is:
Code example:
public class goFile {
public static int SubtractTime(String number1, String number2)
return Math.abs(ConvertTimeToMinutes(number2) - ConvertTimeToMinutes(number1));
public static int ConvertTimeToMinutes(String number)
return Integer.parseInt(number.substring(0, 2))*60 + Integer.parseInt(number.substring(2, 4));
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(SubtractTime("0925", "1010"));
System.out.println(SubtractTime("1015", "1025"));