I have been trying all day today to finde out how to read from a binary file and decrypt it.
In my file, the first 4 bytes is describing the file format, the 32 bytes after it is the header, which is encrypted with Blowfish.
so i wrote this code to be able to do this:
string file = "C:\\test.bin";
byte *header = new byte[32];
FILE *data = fopen(file.c_str(), "r");
if(data == NULL)
return 1; //Error opening file!
char type[6];
type[5] = 0;
if(fread(type, sizeof(type) - 1, 1, data) < 1)
return 2;
if(strcmp(type, "ABCD") != 0)
return 3;
if(fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, data) < 1)
return 2; //Error reading file!
vector<byte> key;
ECB_Mode<Blowfish>::Decryption decryption(key.data(), key.size());
byte out[32];
decryption.ProcessData(out, header, 32);
FILE *outer = fopen("C:\\out.bin", "w");
fwrite (out, sizeof(byte), sizeof(out), outer);
but this is not decrypting the data correctly.
What did i do wrong?
There's many things a bit smelly here
should use "rb"
and "wb"
for binary modememcmp
instead of strcmp
actually read 4 bytesunsigned char
for binary data (fewer pitfalls to do with sign extension and undefined behaviour on overflow)this is a bug
if(fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, data) < 1)
sizeof (header)
is sizeof(byte*)
here, not 32
as you seem to expect
Here's a quick review of the code in c++ style: Update added a length field for my real-life roundtrip test (see below).
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <crypto++/blowfish.h>
#include <crypto++/modes.h>
static std::vector<byte> const key { 's','e','c','r','e','t' };
static byte const SIGNATURE[] = "ABCD"; //{ 'A','B','C','D' };
int main()
if (std::ifstream data {"test.bin", std::ios::binary})
char type[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (!data.read(type, 4))
return 2;
auto mismatch = std::mismatch(std::begin(SIGNATURE), std::end(SIGNATURE), std::begin(type));
if (mismatch.first != std::end(SIGNATURE))
return 3;
uint32_t length = 0;
if (!data.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length))) // TODO use portable byte-order
return 4;
std::vector<byte> const ciphertext { std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(data), {} };
// to read 32 bytes:
// std::copy_n(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(data), 32, std::back_inserter(ciphertext));
assert(data.good() || data.eof());
assert(ciphertext.size() >= length);
assert(ciphertext.size() % CryptoPP::Blowfish::BLOCKSIZE == 0);
CryptoPP::ECB_Mode<CryptoPP::Blowfish>::Decryption decryption(key.data(), key.size());
std::vector<char> plaintext(ciphertext.size());
decryption.ProcessData(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(plaintext.data()), ciphertext.data(), plaintext.size());
plaintext.resize(length); // trim padding
std::ofstream out("out.bin", std::ios::binary);
out.write(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size());
} else
return 1; //Error opening file
I don't have a file yet to test it with.
Update So, I've made an encryptor.cpp
now too.
echo "Hello world" | ./encryptor
results in a 40 byte file (sig + length + ciphertext = 4 + 4 + 32 = 40), in base64:
base64 test.bin
Now, decrypting that tests out fine. Note that I found that I needed to ensure padding was done to BLOCKSIZE, and as such I added a length
field to store the actual size of the plaintext to avoid trailing garbage after decryption.
You can see the roundtrip by doing
echo 'Bye world!!' | ./encryptor && ./decryptor && cat out.bin
Which does indeed print the greeting back after decryption.
Note specifically the TODO
's. You should probably use StreamTransformationFilter
which adds padding as required.